It’s Time to Elevate Your Business and Transform Your Mindset!

Let's unleash your potential and achieve extraordinary success with our Marketing and Mindset Mastermind.

This Mastermind Might Be For You If You’ve Ever...

Felt like you’re on a hamster wheel in your business, working harder and harder but getting nowhere.

Wanted to make more income while also needing more time and freedom in your life.

Thought to yourself, “I don’t know how to take my business to the next level…”

Felt like you’re on a hamster wheel in your business, working harder and harder but getting nowhere.

Wanted to make more income while also needing more time and freedom in your life.

Thought to yourself, “I don’t know how to take my business to the next level…”

We Understand

We haven’t always had the success we enjoy today. We started from humble beginnings, struggling to make ends meet. In the early days, we faced countless obstacles and setbacks, often feeling overwhelmed and stuck.

We’ve experienced the sleepless nights, the stress, and the doubt. But through perseverance, learning, and a significant mindset shift, we transformed our lives and businesses.

We went from living paycheck to paycheck to scaling a 7-figure marketing agency and building multiple successful businesses.

We Understand

We haven’t always had the success we enjoy today. We started from humble beginnings, struggling to make ends meet. In the early days, we faced countless obstacles and setbacks, often feeling overwhelmed and stuck.

We’ve experienced the sleepless nights, the stress, and the doubt. But through perseverance, learning, and a significant mindset shift, we transformed our lives and businesses. We went from living paycheck to paycheck to scaling a 7-figure marketing agency and building multiple successful businesses.

Success Always Felt Out of Reach Until We Learned to Change Our Mindset.

And now, we’re excited to help you break down your limiting beliefs and achieve the success you deserve.

What's Included...

Monthly Goal Setting & Accountability Call

Join Nicole and Steve as they lead you through our Monthly Accountability & Goal Setting Workshop. Set your intentions for the month and gain clarity on your goals. Nicole and Steve will guide you through evaluating your progress from the previous month and help you identify areas for improvement. Participate in this interactive session to stay on track, achieve your objectives, and move closer to your ultimate vision. Step into the hot seat for personalized feedback and ensure you’re always progressing towards success!

Weekly Mindset Call with Nicole

Join Mindset Master Nicole as she leads you through Meditations, Breath work, Visualization and more as she helps you break through limiting beliefs and move into success you'd not imagined possible with your business. Join the hot seat to have Nicole work through your blocks with you!"

Weekly Business & Strategy Call with Steve

Join Business Strategist Steve as he leads you through live problem-solving sessions focused on business and marketing strategy. Bring your challenges to the Weekly Business and Marketing Call, where Steve will help you navigate issues and develop effective strategies to propel your business forward. Step into the hot seat to receive personalized guidance and watch your business reach new heights!

Peer-to-Peer Facebook Group Support

Handling business challenges can feel like a lonely task. However, we’ve found that when entrepreneurs surround themselves with others who are achieving extraordinary success, they position themselves to do the same. That’s exactly what our mastermind community will help you achieve—success through collaboration and shared growth.


Gain access to our comprehensive Course Library, featuring a wealth of resources to elevate your business. Dive into videos and templates covering everything we recommend, from email marketing strategies to building a content calendar and crafting compelling copy with ChatGPT. Revisit past live sessions, including meditations, visualization exercises, and breath work. Utilize all our checklists, PDF downloads, and more to ensure your business is moving in the right direction. With these tools at your fingertips, you’ll have everything you need to succeed.

Apply Now

Meet Steve And Nicole.

We want to share that we haven’t always manifested success the way we do now. Not too long ago, we were living paycheck to paycheck, juggling regular jobs, and struggling to make ends meet. Our business was stagnant, and despite working harder and harder, we weren't seeing the results we desired.

Then, everything changed. We discovered powerful strategies and mindset techniques that paired with the marketing and business strategies we'd learned completely transformed our approach. It's like when the stars align just at the right moment, bringing the guidance you need exactly when you're ready for it.

Through our business journey, we found the exact roadmap needed to change our current circumstances and achieve our goals. With the right mindset and strategic guidance, we unlocked the secrets to attracting abundance and success. Now, we're excited to share these invaluable insights with you, helping you achieve extraordinary success in your business and life.


"It might sound a little dramatic but I know I wouldn’t be where I am today with my business or my branding without Nicole and Steve. From day 1, they have always taken such a vested interest in learning exactly who I am and what I hope to achieve. They are always kind enough to run their ideas by me but I’m always so blown away at how they just “nail” exactly what I envision. I know as an entrepreneur myself that I get stuck in the rut of the same day to day monotony. They keep me from burning out by encouraging me to flex my creative muscle and share goals I have...Even if they seem scary or too daunting to go after. I can immediately think of at least half a dozen things that I have always wanted to achieve that I wouldn’t have been able to do had it not been for them. Because of them, I have absolutely set myself apart from any competition and know that I’m leaving a legacy. Thank you Nicole & Steve! You’re appreciated!"


"You guys are amazing!!

The level of genuine support I got was so next level.

Thank you for caring about my success as if it was your own and for being part of my team.

Because of you all I was able to tap into my audience and set up marketing systems successfully that I truly didn’t have the time to do on my own.

Your ability to identify my own blind spots and hone in on my audiences on social media gave me just was I needed!!"


I am Jill Savage and my husband and I are marriage coaches.

I was trying to maximize a membership that we already had, it was somewhat successful, but we were really hoping for an increase in membership.

Working with Steve has really helped me to think outside the box on one and we're taking little things and just tweaking them.

And I think it's gonna make a big difference.

On the other hand, man, we've come up with some completely different ideas and we've really just, I feel like it's opened up my world.

Not only that, it's really caused me to look at my customer journey and I'm so very grateful I would recommend working with Steve because he's got a great mind and he's just so inquisitive and then that really causes you to begin to think of things in a different way.

It was an overall wonderful experience.